Bathroom heating

At Faith Bathrooms, we are experts in bathroom heating. We want to provide you with the information that you need to make an informed decision about your bathroom heating. Whether you’re looking for towel radiators and rails, electric heaters, panel heaters, or underfloor heating, Faith Bathrooms has the perfect solution for your needs!

What is bathroom heating?

Bathroom heating is the installation and maintenance of heaters and radiators in bathrooms. It is advised that all bathrooms be heated, as it prevents condensation on the walls which cause damage to paintwork and wallpaper.

Advantages of Bathroom Heating

Condensation can cause permanent damp patches on your wallpaper if not prevented with good-quality bathroom heating installations. We are Faith Bathrooms experts in providing professional advice for both existing buildings and new builds alike!
Another benefit of bathroom heating is that it is easy to control, as you can simply turn the heaters up or down depending on whether you are in the room or not.

When is bathroom heating not advised?

Bathrooms should be heated all year round, even during the summer months! Bathroom heaters provide an effective way of keeping humidity levels low and avoiding mould and mildew growth, which will affect both your health and also cause damage to paintwork.

The Different Types of Bathroom Heating

Towel rails and radiators

These are a great choice for smaller bathrooms as they are compact and can be wall-mounted. They’re very easy to install, with no special wiring required! The drawback to using a towel radiator is that they’re not as effective at heating the bathroom as other types of heating.

Electric space heaters

These are great for smaller bathrooms and areas with poor insulation or those which receive no ventilation from windows or extractor fans. They can be set to run on a timer, so you don’t have to worry about them being left on while you’re gone, but it’s important to remember that leaving an electric heater unattended can be dangerous – especially in bathrooms where there may be water present due to showering or other activities! Always read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before using one of these appliances. Electric heaters should also never be used near flammable materials such as towels and curtains, nor should they be hung over radiators or heat sources since this can cause the cord to overheat. Electric heaters are ideal for smaller rooms where you’re looking for a little bit of extra warmth, but they can be rather slow at heating up, so they aren’t suitable for larger bathrooms.

Panel heaters

Panel heaters, which look like large TV screens on legs, provide instant heat and work well in medium-sized spaces such as en suites or bedrooms. They come with adjustable thermostats so that once set at your desired temperature they’ll maintain it without overheating – meaning no more cold spots! Underfloor heating is another modern option that provides an even spread of warmth throughout the room through water pipes installed below floor level (ideally tiled). However, these may not always be practical if there isn’t enough space or you have no desire to install underfloor heating.

In-floor heating

Underfloor heating is another modern option that provides an even spread of warmth throughout the room through water pipes installed below floor level (ideally tiled). Its disadvantages include the high installation costs as well as the need to coordinate with any other renovation work, such as laying tiles.

What is involved in bathroom heating?

We start the bathroom heating process by installing the necessary pipes and ensuring that all of them are working correctly. Once we have completed this, you can choose which type of bathroom heating would suit your needs best: towel rails, heated mirrors or radiators, electric heaters, panel heaters, and underfloor heating.

After that, we will test your system to guarantee that it works properly and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions about bathroom heating.


Here are some frequently asked questions that Faith Bathrooms receive from customers:

How much heat does a bathroom need?

The recommended level of heat production is around 20 degrees Celsius. If your home doesn’t have this temperature, there are different options to install radiator valves for controlling the water flow and therefore increasing or decreasing the amount of heat produced. It’s important to note that too high temperatures can be just as dangerous as low ones, so you should always stay vigilant about your heating system’s working conditions!

How does bathroom heating work?

Bathrooms require underfloor heating because they’re quite small spaces where it isn’t possible to use radiators without causing damage due to condensation on walls and furniture. Also, heated towel rails often aren’t powerful enough to heat the entire room.

What is a BTU?

A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is a standard unit for measuring energy, particularly heat energy. In other words, one BTU is equal to the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at sea level. The higher the number of BTUs in an appliance or room heater, the more powerful its performance will be in making your bathroom warm!

How much heat does a bathroom need?

It’s recommended that you keep your bathroom at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if the temperature doesn’t reach this target, there are different options available for controlling and regulating it. Since they don’t have this kind of warmth naturally, bathrooms require underfloor heating because they’re quite small spaces where it isn’t possible to use radiators without causing damage due to condensation on walls and furniture. Also, heated towel rails are often not powerful enough to heat the entire room. Faith Bathrooms recommend using electric heaters in bathrooms since they’re easy to install and control.

How is the required number of BTUs to heat a room calculated?

Faith Bathrooms recommends using this formula:

Firstly, you need to know your room’s surface area. Faith Bathrooms suggest measuring the length and width of every wall in the space you’re heating, then adding them all together for a total surface area number.

What if the radiator I want doesn't precisely match my BTU score?

It’s not ideal to buy a radiator that doesn’t match your BTU score, Faith Bathrooms says. However, it is possible, with some adjustments during installation. For example, you can install the right number of towel radiators in various rooms to make up for an undersized one elsewhere.

How should I choose a bathroom heating system?

Faith Bathrooms recommend choosing electric heaters or panel heaters for small bathrooms since they provide instant warmth at the flick of a switch and are more cost-effective than other types of bathroom heating systems. They also don’t require any professional maintenance once installed correctly, which means no additional costs!

Is it permissible to use gas heating in the bathroom?

No, Faith Bathrooms advise against the use of gas heating in bathrooms. They recommend electric or panel heaters instead since they don’t emit any fumes and are more cost-effective than other types of bathroom heating systems. We also do not offer bathroom installation services, so it’s best to contact an expert for this type of work.